this week. was fantastic!!!
a little bit of a strange one. lots of random things happened... like mission tour... lots of random things that we spent a lot of time NOT in our area. (we left about noon on wednesday, got back at exactly 10:30, left at 6 AM on thursday and didn't get back home until around 6 that night. wow.)
it was a really great meeting. we spent a lot of time talking about the sacrament. and it reminded me of how important it is. not only to remember how important it is as a member that goes to church every week... but.... that sometimes it is hard to remember that when teaching ABOUT the sacrament. it's easy to teach it as a list of things that we to do before they get baptized. but we (especially ME) needs to remember that we are teaching them HOW to worship. we are teaching them what they should expect from church. not just a list of things 'to do'.
"oh remember, remember!"
i've been thinking a lot about remembering lately. about how remembering is how we are able to repent. to stay free from sin. it is what alma repeatedly says in his teachings - that he REMEMBERED what the angel said to him. REMEMBER.
so i'm working on it. remembering. it's hard.
(says me... the person that has no more brain... my planner has turned into my brain for the last year...)
i learned something. i want everyone to try it.
it's called "the bus test"
it goes like this: if you can love EVERYONE on a stinky, smelly bus the way that the savior loves them... then you know that you have charity.
i tried it. it's a pretty hard test. and i had to be brutally honest with myself. cuz honestly... i DON'T always love them all like that. to throw another scripture into support: jesus christ said that we must love people like WE LOVE OURSELVES. and apparently i love myself a lot.
the rest of the week was good.
he was... a black horse? if you can call it that...
he called us this week, telling us that he was back in town and wanted to get baptized. apparently he thought that he just needed to come to church once... but... we knew that WE needed to know how much he believed/remembered/knew. we reviewed... everything. and he remembered it. we just always end up going back to the commandments. in telling him how important it is to keep the commandments... not half heartedly. we need to be avid? extreme? zealous? in keeping the commandments. (sorry if i come back home a zealot family....) he's a flight attendant, so he spends a lot of time in the air, away from home, etc etc etc... but he promised that he would find churches wherever he is. and the cool thing is... he didn't promise us. he knows that this is more than just a commitment to a couple of sister missionaries. it goes way deeper than that.
i love this work! i love this gospel!!!
and i love YOU.
keep it up.
sister e