Saturday, March 14, 2015

Time Flies

i'm being lazy and not sending a giant group email. i'm just sending ones to the people that are the mostest importantest people in my life! 
thank you for being so wonderful. for answering my frantic pleas. (wow. i don't know how to spell that word. spell check says it's ok... but... looks WAY weird.) 
thank you for all that you have done for me. for all the advice, all the wisdom... and for the motivation and support! it means sooooo much. i couldn't have done it on my own. and you were all definitely here with me the whole time. 
i can't wait to see you! it's weird to see the time pass by... whit has almost (or already) reached 6 months too! so weird. and so good! it's amazing what this does for a person... she sounds so happy. which will probably be good for me to remember and to not lose track in the hustle and bustle of new things. 
it still seems a ways away (ha. a mere 16 days?!) compared to 500+ it seems like nothing... but we will endure! and i will hug you veryyyyy soon!!!!
love you bunches!!!!