Nov 1, 2014
The Craziness!!!
you know how sometimes i have nothing to write? it's because missionary work itself doesn't change... you still go out, like a superhero, and try to save people's lives. (just their spiritual ones most of the time...)
but some weeks... life DOES change.
like getting a text late tuesday night telling you that you are moving. (we already knew it was happening. don't know how... but we totally did.)
so we spent the next days packing... getting ready... then when we showed up at the church to meet with our RCs... a shower started! literally... i did rain. but i got so many random gifts from people. i... felt so loved i could hardly stand it! it was the sweetest thing.
it wasn't easy to say goodbye. it never is. i think i startled a few of our investigators when i told them goodbye over the phone. one of them even called back later to apologize because "he didn't know what to say the first time." personally, i just wanted to be a magician and pull a magic act... but sister brown wouldn't let me. i'm glad i didn't just disappear though. i love them ALL so much. and it was really good to know that they love me too.
they then kept changing what time we needed to show up at transfers. we heard 7:30... then 8. 9. back to 8:30... transfers didn't even start until 11. is it just an opportunity to catch up or what? we also think that there were changes still happening up until the time transfers started. (BABABABO in thai means crazy. it was crazzzzzzy.)
lots of the girls from my mtc district are training. everyone moved.
and i came back to my greenie area.
now THAT was weird. i saw DON MEAUNG come up on the screen... and i didn't know what to think. maybe it was a mistake? nope. i don't believe in mistakes here. but i did have the chance to talk to president. to clarify.
besides. who doesn't like american-style dinners?
their de besssst.
(so. just so you know. my first area WAS pakkret. but since then they have combined my area with the other neighboring area. so all of the missionaries work in ALL of the wards. oh. yeah. that too. they are wards now. not branches!!!! so the cool thing is that now i can say that i've served in ALL of those three wards legitimately. not that i just know them all...)
it was really fun going back. we ARE whitewashing in... but it didn't feel like it. there are about 40 new RCs that WE are looking after that weren't here a year ago.. but it still feels largely the same. ah! i'm so excited.
so this last week was a lot of getting settled. my new companions name is sister zoller. she's from wisconsin. speaks thai like a boss (and she just barely graduated greeniehood...) i feel super duper blessed.
random things that happened. we get a call from the relief society president that we are going to go visit a cambodian member (this is with the ENGLISH branch) and they need an interpreter. ended up that they brought someone else that could speak thai too... so i ended up just being there to hold her hand and to deliver the "fluffy messages". it was good.
then on sunday they decided that they are going to start having a sunday school for the cambodian members. THE COOLEST THING EVER! a cambodian couple that was coming when i was here a year ago STILL COMES!!! they haven't been able to get baptized because they don't have papers. but they still come. that.... was cool. i can't even describe it. i had no idea what or how we'd teach the class.... turns out that we'd teach in thai, and one of the cambodians speaks thai really well. so i taught in thai. he translated into khmae. and then the other couple read from their scriptures in vietnamese.
strangest lesson ever.
but the spirit was there ridiculously strong.
he said that he prays every day that god will open the path so that he can get baptized. and i know he will. it just reminded me of king limhi's people who also had to wait to get baptized. personally... i don't think that is my favorite story... since i just want EVERYONE to get baptized NOW! but.... some people DO have to wait. and he will. that is what made me so happy. it showed me that this work is TRUE! and when people find it... they never let it go!!!
one cool thought from a baptism yesterday. the bishop was talking and said that Jesus Christ is in the NAME of the church... but more than that... he is in EVERY ASPECT of this church.
i love this gospel. and jesus christ is it's leader and he is everywhere in it.
i love you!
sister ellis
Its always hard to say goodbye!! |
Sister Zoller---My new companion in Pakkret |
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