Wednesday, October 23, 2013

They Love Foiling My Plans...

October 9, 2013

we don't leave early in the morning on monday. we are supposed to report to the travel office at 2. we then board the trax, go to the airport, and then we're off! so no taking great joy in making my luggage deliberately *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* down the stairs...

i hope the package gets here too! i don't really know what the mailroom does if you get mail after you leave... maybe they do a version of storage wars. they bid on the packages and hope that they get something good in them ;)
so what is up with the government??? we've heard things, and yet none of it makes sense. seriously. a war could have started and we probably wouldn't know... unless we received a reassignment. that's about the extent of our news here. 
other things of note: i got a super awesome book from aunt kathy this week! it was "it's not easy being green" by jim hensen (the creator of the muppets). such a cute book. and it had so many good thoughts about life. and about change. and about being true to who you are. a perfect book for a missionary. 
and that it's about a frog. just perfect.

so i managed to live away from home for 5 years... and never really did anything horrible to my clothes. until i came to the mtc. maybe i should have paid more attention to them... or just not brought a silk shirt with me. however it happened...i 'm just grateful that it happened now, and not in the field. (i've heard silk doesn't do so well in thailand anyways... it's probably for the best.)
wasn't conference fantastic? 
and being in the mtc just made it about the coolest thing ever. one of the funniest things was when they announced that the intermediate hymn would be called to serve. me and about every other missionary in the room jumped out of our chairs we were so excited! that's one that i wish i could have filmed. 
so sunday night for devotional... instead of hearing another speaker (i think my brain would have exploded... we had a devotional by Vocal Point! BYU's acapella group...)
it was great. 
they sang a song written by one of the members, a medley of come come ye saints and "noyana". you would love it. maybe the have it somewhere? but they did what they called a "hymn share" where certain members would give a short thought and then they'd sing a hymn. 
one of them showed us his sleeves. they were too short. (i thought i could relate)
but he gave a really good parable to the short sleeves. 
he said to not focus on how it fits. 
because the gospel fits everyone differently. 
it might feel too small
or itchy
or tight...
but just think about who's gospel it is and the name that is on your tag. 
who are you representing?
he also said "enduring to the end is not crawling to the finish line... it is doing it with a smile on your face." (my thought: even if you ARE crawling.)

my letter today might be a little bit different... 
i figured since we're nearing the end of our stay in the mtc, i might reflect a little on the things that i've learned here. (i definitely won't do all... but i'll say enough to let you know i'm actually doing SOMETHING here...)

i've learned that there are showers that drain and showers that don't... 
you eat breakfast at the temple on pdays
there are pizza days! 
they serve ice cream on wednesdays and sundays
they serve bts cake on tuesdays. 
you can make your teacher laugh by calling them a ghost (the would "you" with a different tone...), giving them half eaten cookies (sister barber says she didn't... but it looked fairly suspish...), or calling this child a challenge. when you meant to say earth. hmmmm. 
conference is just better at the mtc.
some people can just learn how to play volleyball in a month. other people it takes practicing for years. 
the secret rooms where they have printers.
where narnia is. in the bathroom. seriously. there is a bathroom with a door... and a bedroom in it. 
the lord's time travels differently than other time.
i can speak thai! not well... but still.
what page 33 of the white handbook says.
"thug khon choob cookie!" (everybody likes cookies! our teacher said that when we had cookies and wouldn't share... we asked him if he liked cookies. he gave us this look like *duh* and then said...)
the gospel and the atonement are the same thing
the spirit makes things move. even lazy people like me.
there are miracles that happen every day. and we see it first hand here.
i make the gospel too complicated. and the more i understand it... the simpler (and more complex) it seems to get.
i am not the real teacher.
this gospel requires everything we have. 
and miracles require diligence. not ability.

i love you all. 
so very very very much! 
this work is working.
in me. in all of us. 
and it is so GREAT!

til next week!
(and then i'll be in thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
choge dii! (good luck!)
guess who I found!?
(Jessica and a friend - Marissa Lewis)

it says boo.
we wanted to make the 7 oclock session this morning... which means we ran out of our apartment with about 2 minutes to get ready. but what a beautiful morning!!!

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