Tuesday, September 23, 2014

my plea for forgiveness...

this is my email.

apparently the crappy err.... less than nice email place that we used last week... sent no email from me. i distinctly remember writing furiously to get it sent! 
irritating. just a little bit....
maybe it was the spirit saying that the last part.... was too apostate and it wouldn't send it. 
ha. we'll see. 
(this was part of last week's email)
September 14, 2014
this week. was a week of miracles.
it started out by getting stuck in traffic. (gotta love the big city life! or not... but i do wonder what this transfers week will bring.... it's always interesting for sure!)
tuesday was pretty typical. sister brown tells me that i talk in thai in my sleep. i don't quite know how i feel about that. especially since she can't tell me what i said. ;) 
wednesday. we went and paid 40 baht to eat lunch at an LAs restaurant. (the kind that is a bunch of umbrellas and tables set up in the side of a parking lot.) i'll pay 40 baht a week to see someone come back to church. besides... the food is fantastic. we had a goal to find some other LAs this week... but so far, everyone is LONG gone. like 6 years gone. before "the flood" gone... it's a bit of a bummer in trying to find these people... but we got some good contacting in talking to their neighbors.
another cool thing of the week was having T show up at church. he called us
on tuesday and said "i'm at the church." we didn't think we'd see him again until sunday. so we sped walked from big c all the way to the church. i would have run if it would have seemed more respectable. 
thursday we studied. made lunch. long planned....... makes for a looooong day inside. but it is necessary. got stood up. *sad face* coordination meeting. but them met with an awesome investigator (the one that came to FHE with us a few weeks ago.) now THIS is a cool guy. we met him contacting a few weeks ago. he was only interested in english class. but he would always come and pay attention. he even seemed to like our spiritual thoughts. so we invited him to meet with us again. and then... it rained. i was pretty sure that he wouldn't show up. (typical story in thailand... it rains - no one shows.) but he came! walked in a little wet... but happy. and we had the best lesson. sister brown and i have been working on teaching with the spirit more this week. in really focusing on the needs of the investigators and trying to follow what the spirit is telling us. we've had some really amazing lessons too. chai's lesson was so good. doesn't have a date yet, but he will very very soon!
the other miracle of the week is sister mark. 
(end of email. i don't remember what else i wrote so i will move on to this week!) 

September 21, 2014
this week was GOOOOD! 
man. i'm still angry at that computer for not sending my email! makes me think of all the tears my mom and my fans probably shed for not being able to hear from me this week... ;) 
i'll do my best to make up. this week... though was a little strange. 
as is every week of transfers. turns out. i'm staying. 
i love it when you FINALLY know. it's the waiting part that is difficult. i'm staying. i'm happy. and i'm with my incredible companion. so life is good. 
monday: was an ADVENTURE of epic proportions. for all you history buffs... does "the bridge over the river kwai" ring any bells? been there. done that. almost got run over by a train in the process...
we also went and hiked some legit waterfalls... hung out with RCs... everything that is good in life. (pictures to come.) the best part... was that hiking is not considered "an activity that can reasonably be done in a skirt..." you can imagine my glee...

just so you know how much i sweat here.

in district meeting on tuesday, we did the "christlike attribute" assessment. always a good check on how you are doing. then it tells me that i am uncharitable... ouch. so i've been working on it. and then it's always funny to see how you are able to grow. and the opportunities that god gives you to work on these things! 
i don't even remember what happened on wednesday... 
thursday was transfers. i didn't move. but the elders needed help getting all of their "stuff" to the meeting. oh darn..... do we really need to take an extra taxi? ok fine. i'll sacrifice...!
transfers meeting was SO good. we are having a lot of changes happen in the mission. not changing directions so much as we are now focusing more on being an "all-purpose" missionary, as president called it. it makes sense though. an extreme of any kind is too much. and we work and serve better as we achieve moderation in all things. so not only are we focused on baptism, but on teaching, finding, retention and activation. (i speak as though this is only my mission. it isn't. it is the constant quest of every missionary around the world! to learn to be the same kind of missionary that Jesus Christ was.) 
i always feel like i have missionary work "figured out". that i know how to do it. and then... something happens. i will move areas... i will get a knew companion... and it changes again. the work we are doing is still the same, but we can't do it the same way. but we get better. we apply what we have learned and we get better at teaching, at finding, and helping others... it's awesome. that's about all i can find to say about it. 
it's the best thing ever.
my favorite thing is when we have plans... and then you look at the plans at the end of the day and wonder - what happened? that seemed to happen a lot this week. but we still did the work. the only unfortunate part to the week was the bout of food poisoning that i got on saturday night into sunday morning. not the kind where i was throwing up.......
'nuf said. 
shrimp on a stick. i don't know why i found this so funny.....

(the food poisoning... was not very funny afterwards...)
but i'm amazed at god's ability to direct and coordinate his work. we've seen so many random (?) miracles happen... that you know that they can't be random. these people that call us, that want to be baptized... god leads them here. and we just have to be doing what we are supposed to. then everything works out. 
i don't think we have any new news about our investigators. noone baptized last week... but what we are really working on now is for them to be truly converted. not just come... and then leave. it's such hard stuff! but i always love a challenge! (and the best part is... that we don't have to do it alone...)

ok. hopefully that made up for the sin of me not writing last week....
forgive me mom? :) 

i love you all! 
mexican food exists in Thailand!

the cemetery.

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