Friday, July 18, 2014

i had a good title yesterday. but i forgot.

June 1, 2014

wow. what a crazy week. since last sunday. we had fhe. which basically consisted of us going to a meat buffet. it's called moo-gah-taa. close. ish. in english. they put a clay pot full of coals underneath the table and then stick a dish with a moat around the outside on top of the clay pot. then you just lay the meat on top of said dish. and you eat and eat and eat eat eat! it's probably not healthy. or very sanitary. but........... both of those seem to be a little less important in this country. and i haven't died yet....

our mondays here are very exciting. this is what my planner usually has written. email. study. big c. (for groceries) fhe. 
what is the plan for the rest of the day you might ask? 
excellent question. usually...... nothing. the perks of living in hickville, thailand... you exhaust all of the sightseeing opportunities... very quickly. so now. we just stay inside. in the air conditioning. which... is actually a rare experience in and of itself. the only other place with AC in KPP is Big C. so home.... is hard to leave when you look out the window and you can just sense the heat. it is so hot. SO HOT. all the time.
and it gets hotter before it rains. i don't yet understand this phenomenon. right when you feel like your skin is melting, your blood is boiling, and that you could water the bushes on the side of the road with your sweat...... thick dark clouds appear out of nowhere. i don't think i've ever seen more lighting in my whole life! (can you tell... i'm excited?) i love storms. i probably have biked barefoot more this last month too... than ever before. why? because i refuse to get my nice shoes wet. i just wish the sky would tell me that it was going to rain. i probably should listen more closely to my sweat glands... they are pretty accurate. 
we spent the next few days stressing over the switch offs that were going to happen. not that we didn't want the zone leaders and sister training leaders to come... it was just very inconvenient. but then... it really isn't ever convenient. so we dealt with it. and it was an awesome day. i went on switches with sister crocket. she is one of the first 19 year olds to come on a mission. that is probably the weirdest thing for me here. being the "nong" (ps that means junion comp) in the relationship... when i'm like 5? years older. weirdness. and it always amazes me how AMAZING they are. they were meant to go on missions. i think about myself at 21. not ready. i wasn't supposed to go til i was 23. i'm a grandma here. but these 18 and 19 year olds.... they are powerful missionaries. i love em to death. they do annoy me to death some days too... but for the most part. they are awesome. 
another interesting part of our job here in KPP is being in charge of ALL of the unit stuff too. we're missionaries. and we're everything else. relief society teachers. speakers. visiting teaching coordinators. bah. it's a nasty headache some days.
but it's so much fun. 
we had to assign our recent convert gamon a talk for church this coming sunday. don't know why... but we spent a majority of the lesson trying to explain to him WHICH sunday he was speaking on. we finally thought he got it. and then when sister mullen followed up with him, she REtold him what day he was speaking. so yesterday. church. we had a fantastic fast and testimony meeting. oh these recent converts. they have issues. we deal with them. but oh man! their testimonies are rock solid! 
meeting ended. gamon walks over. and has a very confused look on his face. he thought he was speaking. nope. NEXT week brother. 
i couldn't even feel bad because i knew how many times we had told him that. 

switch offs. i don't know why they do what they do to me. 
before them. i hate them. i can't stand thinking about them. they stress me out. they make me feel like i'm going in for a test (i'm graduated for heaven's sakes!) 
but then they end up being a miracle day. i'm surprised that god keeps making them such great days... because of my attitude before them. 
i promise i'll learn for next time. :)
but we came away from that day with 25 numbers. (some days we think that we have literally talked to EVERYONE here. apparently not.) 
what we found out from that day... is NO FEAR. sister mack is a contacting genius. and not because she is the best at the language (don't get me wrong... she is REALLY good.) but she simply talks to everyone. everyone. everyone. 
how else are we supposed to sift out the ones that want to hear the gospel if we don't talk to every single person we see? 
i learned my lesson about asking people. about judging them. 
we were standing in front of big c. all 4 of us. and i'm just asking people. not really thinking that anyone wants it. finally i was like - hey! this guy. he looks super sketch. not at all baptism type. he needs it a LOT. ask him. yeah! i'll come to church. SAY WHAT? 
it always scares me when i actually GET a phone number. because it was "too easy". it just happens. and i don't need to force it. 

well.... that's about it!
lovin life. lovin this gospel. 
it's the greatest thing i know. 
it changes people - it can change everything in your life if you let it. 
i just realize that it's my fault when my life stinks. cuz it's usually my own laziness or disobedience. even not exercising in the morning.... (we did every day last week! and i didn't just lay on the floor....) 

have the best week ever!
me and god are rooting for you. :)

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